High Holidays 2024

2024 High Holiday Service Schedule at Temple Beth-El

All High Holiday services will be livestreamed at https://www.tbeny.org/live-stream/

Temple Beth-El welcomes all guests for High Holiday services. Guest donations go a long way to help us continue to serve the Hudson Valley Jewish community year-round. We are extremely thankful for your support.

Suggested Donations:

  • Parents, children and grandchildren of TBE members: Donate from your heart what you feel is appropriate
  • Non-member suggested donation: $360/family, $144/individual for all days
  • Only Rosh Hashanah or only Yom Kippur: $180/family, $72/individual
  • College students from local universities are always welcome.

2024 TBE High Holiday Guest Registration Form.pdf

Registration is required in advance. Registration deadlines: 

For Rosh Hashanah: Tuesday morning, October 1

For Yom Kippur: Thursday morning, October 10


Before the Holidays

Selichot Service

  • Saturday, 9/28/24 at 8:00pm. Details forthcoming.

Memorial Service

  • Sunday 9/29/24 at 10:30am at Temple Beth-Cemetery

Shofar Over the Hudson

  • Sunday 9/29/24 2:00pm at Waryas Park museum pavilion


Rosh Hashanah Eve - Wednesday, October 2

  • 8:00pm Evening service  

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 - Thursday, October 3

  • 8:45am Shacharit (morning) service begins
  • 9:45am Torah Service
  • 9:45am Family Service with Rabbi Miriam (ages 6+)
  • 9:45am Tot program (ages 0-5)
  • 10:30am Teen program (ages 13+)
  • 11:00am Babysitting begins
  • 10:45am Shofar service
  • 11:00am  Sermon
  • 11:15am  Musaf service
  • 12:30 service concludes, followed by community Taschlich

Thursday Evening: 

  • No service — enjoy a festive dinner with family and friends

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 - Friday, October 4

  • 8:45am Shacharit (morning) service begins
  • 9:45am Torah Service
  • 10:45am Shofar Service
  • 11:00am Sermon
  • 11:15am Musaf service
  •  12:30pm  Service concludes



Kol Nidrei - Friday, October 11

  •  Service begins at 5:45 (5:50 pm Candle Lighting, 6:08 sundown)

Yom Kippur Day - Saturday, October 12

  • 8:30am Shacharit (morning service) begins 
  • 9:45am Torah Service & Sermon
  • 9:45am Family Service with Rabbi Miriam (ages 6+)
  • 9:45am Tot program (ages 0-5)
  • 10:30am Teen program (ages 13+)
  • 11:00am Babysitting begins
  • 11:00am President’s Address 
  • 11:15am Memorial prayers (Yizkor + Remembrance of Martyrs)
  • 12:00pm Musaf
  • 4:45pm Mincha service with reading of Torah and book of Jonah
  • 6:00pm Ne'ilah (closing) service begins
  • 6:59pm Havdalah and Shofar blowing as Yom Kippur ends


Sukkot Day 1&2 - Thursday, October 17 & Friday, October 18

  • Sukkot services, 10am

Intermediate Days of Sukkot - Monday, October 21 & Tuesday, October 22

  • Sukkot services, 8am

Hoshanah Rabbah - Wednesday, October 23

  • Hoshana Rabbah service, 8am

Shemini Atzeret (Wednesday night, October 23 through Thursday, October 24)

  • Wednesday at 8pm - Shemini Atzeret evening services with Yizkor
  • Thursday at 10am - Shemini Atzeret service

Simchat Torah (Thursday night, October 24 through Friday, October 25)

  • Thursday at 7pm - Simchat Torah service in sanctuary with livestream
  • Friday at 10am -  Simchat Torah service