Kulanu Joint Saturday Morning Service Playlist Shabbat: Saturday Morning Service (Note that each track begins with the page number where it’s found in Siddur Lev Shalem) 77a Veshamru chorus77b Veshamru verse 177c Veshamru verse 277d Veshamru verse 377e Al Kein Berach77f Kiddush (grape juice)77f Yadayim (hand washing)77g Hamotzi (bread)101 Mah Tovu103 Morning Blessings #1103 Morning Blessings #2103 Morning Blessings #3103 Morning Blessings #4103 Morning Blessings #5103 Morning Blessings #6104 Morning Blessings #7104 Morning Blessings #8104 Morning Blessings #9104 Morning Blessings #10104 Morning Blessings #11104 Morning Blessings #12104 Morning Blessings #13104 Morning Blessings #14104 Morning Blessings #15112 MizmorShirTBE122 Baruch She_amar136 Ashrei song141 Psalm 150 Chorus141 Psalm 150 Verse #1141 Psalm 150 Verse #2141 Psalm 150 Verse #3141 Psalm 150 Verse #4141 Psalm 150 Verse #5141 Psalm 150 Verse #6 Conclusion149 Barechu yai dai dai153 Or Chadash _ Blessing154 Veha_eri eineinu155 Shema _ Baruch Shem Kevod155 Ve-Ahavta158 Mi Chamocha159 Amidah-Adonai Sefatai Tiftach159B Amidah--Avot v_Imahot160 Gevurot with Geshem166 Oseh Shalom168 Ein Kamocha168A Ein Kamocha168B Av HaRachamim168C Vayehi Binsoa171 Shema-Ehad-Gadlu184 Etz Chayim Hee (Debbie Friedman)204 Ein Keloheinu205 Aleinu206 Aleinu Conclusion